Patient Services
Our Patient Services Programs are for people with Parkinson’s disease, their families, physicians, friends, and caregivers. Summit’s Board of Directors understands the journey of those diagnosed and living with Parkinson’s disease. The organization has a strong advocate’s voice dedicated to changing the status quo. Our Patient Services Program provides evidence-based information and programs focused on empowerment and guidance to help a person with Parkinson’s disease’s manage their healthcare and lives. Our goal is to help those with PD achieve the best quality of life possible. Some ways this is accomplished are:
- Provide current, reliable, & evidence-based information
- Education
- Health & Resource Information
- Information & updates, as we (receive them) about the autologous (DNA-matching) dopamine neuron replacement therapy for Parkinson’s disease
- Presentations, Informational Webinars, Meetings, etc. providing current, reliable, and evidence-based information from leading experts in or affecting the field of regenerative medicine.
- Informational Webinar Series: Dedicated to bridging the informational gap between fast-paced scientific discoveries and the medical community featuring world class leading experts in their respective fields.
- And, just launched, the Capital Campaign for The Center for Parkinson’s Health and Wellness, where one can find “all things for PD” in one location. The goal is to open The Center as soon as possible (dependent on funds raised).